
At our studios we cater to all types of Yoga and Pilates . We have bunched of talented and experienced teachers offering variety of classes. We strive to help people make Yoga & Pilates fun, creative, relaxing, empowering, healing and challenging. Breathing as is the last prophecy, dancing and singing like extraterrestrial life. But indeed , Love like a being . Human Being !

let’ being

Ying Yang
500 hours LifePower Yoga Teacher Certified; Polestar Pilates Reformer Certified; 37 years old Austin Community College FreshWomen

Michelle Campo
After attending my first aerial hammock class, I had a feeling in my body that I was meant to FLY. As a newly alcohol-free mom with two young kids, I was looking for time to myself to do something healthy and fun. But what I’ve found is so much more: joy, strength, grace, peace, growth and community. For 20 years, teaching has been my passion. So when the opportunity to train with Eon Swiegers for 200-hour YTT presented itself in 2023, I took it, despite an old elbow injury that I believed made mat yoga inaccessible. Due to an incredible teacher and my determined nature, I went from being unable to do a downward facing dog to successfully performing arm balances and headstands. Now, I want to help others develop awareness of their unique body structures and mental processes in order to stretch the limits of what is physically possible. I believe life is full of duality, and strive to create classes that are imaginative and dynamic, as well as challenging and fun. Out of the hammock and off the mat, I enjoy astrology, gardening and nature, exploring energy work, shamanism, ecstatic dance, and other alternative healing modalities. Growing up in a dysfunctional home, I am now healing from significant traumas, a neurological disorder, and addiction. My hope is to encourage and support others along our healing journeys. “All you need is your own imagination. Use it. That’s what it’s for.” -Madonna

Leena lartigue
Leena is a happiest at the beach and enjoys scuba diving. She’s open to spontaneous adventures to keep life interesting. The first time she tried yoga she ended up competing a 30-day challenge and has been hooked on all its benefits ever since. Aerial yoga started as a fun way to get in shape for her wedding. After several classes with incredible teachers, she realized that her initial goals were reached but still felt like something was missing. After some much needed reassurance, she decided to accept the next challenge and signed up for aerial yoga teacher training. She can’t wait to fly and conquer with you!

Rachel Hood
After being introduced to yoga by her mother, Rachel Hood challenged herself to do yoga every day for one year. That was 11 years ago now, and she hasn’t stopped since. Finally, in 2023, she decided to complete her 200hr YTT with EonYoga. Since completion, she has been eager to share the transformative practice of yoga, which has shaped her into who she is today. Rachel knows she has benefited from yoga too much, physically, mentally, and emotionally, to not share the practice with as many as she can. She considers herself a lifelong student as she ventures on her path of teaching yoga. Her goal for class is for students to have fun, be challenged, and learn something new to take into their yoga practice. Rachel enjoys being a resource for students and sharing her knowledge of yoga. She looks to ignite connections and cultivate a sense of comradery in her classes. Rachel believes yoga connects us with ourselves and with each other, and she is looking to help guide students to that connection.

David Daigle
I am a spiritual, electrical, unlimited being and a seeker of truth. I love yoga and I love connecting. Teaching yoga is a way to have both. Some one once told me the path to enlightenment is through breath and posture. This resonates with me. Yoga has so many opportunities to breath deep and sit up straight. Outside of yoga I work for Travis County as a Firefighter/EMT. It is an honor to serve my community. Yoga and Firefighting do not feel like work. They are something I love.

Esther Bogatova
About Esther Esther Bogatova defines Yoga as The Impossible and derives her greatest inspiration from guiding her clients to what they previously thought was unimaginable. Esther is a certified IAYT Yoga Therapist with over 1,800 hours of Yoga training. Esther started her Yoga journey in the Ashtanga vinyasa tradition in the1990s. Later she switched to a more gentle, introspective personal practice that includes asana, pranayama, and meditation. She especially enjoys exploring the depths of the Yoga philosophy and integrating it into her classes. Attending Esther’s class, expect to move, breathe, digest, nourish, and open new frontiers of your inner self!

Mary Esslinger
Mary Esslinger   When was the last time you did something for the first time? For me it was when I decided to do a sprint triathlon. I fell in love with triathlons and the training required to Swim / Bike / Run. The running part led me to do 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons and full marathons. The tri’s and running were my happy places and I thrived being active and outdoors. I also loved time on my road bike and doing Pilates. After that, I enrolled in a Yoga Teacher Training class. This was beginning of my life-long passion for Yoga and a way to serve others. It is my pleasure and honor to be part of the Yoga community.   PIYO – The combination of Pilates and Yoga is the best of two worlds! The effective movements strengthens core muscles and develops flexibility. This workout is low impact and available to all fitness levels. It is a well-rounded fitness routine that will nourish your body and provide great results

Lizbeth Calleja
Lizbeth has been teaching yoga for 10 years, but her personal practice began 13 years ago when she moved to Texas from Mexico City. At first, yoga was a way to find new friends, practice English, and to re-discover her purpose in this new and unfamiliar place, soon she realized that this practice allowed her to heal in deeper ways that she never imagined before.

She became a yoga teacher in 2012 and in 2017 completed her 300hr teacher training becoming now a 500hr experienced and registered yoga teacher.

She is passionate about helping others to relax and to come back to this peaceful place that live within each one of us.

Recently she finished her training in yoga medicine for the spine and hip.

Kristin Watts
Yoga for me, is a way of life. It allows me to feel connected with my mind, body, and soul. Once I realized the power of yoga and the impactful benefits it offers to the mind and body, it became a part of my daily routine. Over the years, my yoga teachers have left a profound mark on me, and I have incorporated all the ways I have been touched into my practice. My hope for anyone who joins my class is that you feel connected through meditation, powerful flows, enjoyable music, and essential oils. Looking forward to connecting with you on the mat.

Becca Doorn

Becca Doorn
Becca began practicing yoga in 2012. What started as an every-Friday lunch date with her boss evolved into a practice of recovery, awareness and connection. Through yoga and mindfulness, she used this movement to sift through addiction & pain and arrive at a place of relationship with herself. Throughout the last 13 years, whenever she begins to lose herself in the beautiful, full life she’s been given, she employs breath and movement to reconnect. Becca has three kids, a long-distance runner husband and a very full life. Due to her life outside of the studio being fast-paced, she finds balance with her slow moving, quiet and reflective yin classes. To her, that balance is yoga.

Katie Defalco
Katie DeFalco is a licensed 200 hr yoga alliance teacher that has been teaching since 2020. She specializes in combining the senses to help students to be present while deepening their practice. While Katie has seen the serious benefits yoga can bring to the body, mind, and spirit she believes yoga should be fun. By setting a safe atmosphere incorporating lighting, essential oils, and music to match each class. The goal of her classes is to allow students to get out of their minds and connect to their bodies through a moving meditation. Classes end with a complete surrender that is both relaxing yet leaves you energized.

Lenzie Schaefer

Lenzie Schaefer
I was born and raised in Austin, Tx, but just a few years ago we decided to put down new roots here in Cedar Park. I have a 13yr old step-daughter, 12yr old son and now an 8 month old baby boy. I have a background in fitness and personal training, but it wasn’t until my second pregnancy that I realized the true benefits of yoga. Initially I turned to prenatal yoga with the hopes of finding a more gentle form of movement during my pregnancy. I soon found out that yoga wasn’t just about flowing from one pose to the next, but more about being in the moment and creating a connection between my mind and body. Yoga taught me how to focus my thoughts and use my breath in ways that eased my mind and even helped prepare me for labor.

I fell in love with yoga and continued to practice after my baby was born. The more I practiced, the more passionate I felt about it. I want to share that passion with others and teach people the powerful benefits of having yoga in their lives.

Lana Pontious

Lana Pontious
Yoga is for everyBODY. Yoga entered my life at a time when I was trying to work out chronic issues.  Physical therapy led to yoga classes, and I discovered a whole new world filled with healing, joy & encouraging people.  Over the years, I have enjoyed learning & practicing Ashtanga, Rocket, Power & Flow Vinyasa the most.  I am thankful for all of the instructors who have guided & inspired me.   I love doing yoga with my friends & family. My husband & I journeyed through the 200-hr YTT program together where we were expertly trained by the internationally renown Master Yoga Instructor Eon Swiegers (EonYoga.com).  At home, we have 2 kids, 2 dogs & love to read. My hope is that everyone finds a personal practice that ignites strength, health & grace and feel forever young.

John Pontious

John Pontious
Yoga is for everyBODY – including MEN ! I tried yoga when it was introduced at the Jiu-Jitsu gym to enhance the flexibility and performance of the students there. I discovered many other benefits including alleviating back pain, better breathing, better overall posture, a community of great people, and it was an activity I could enjoy with my wife. Eventually, we journeyed through the 200-hr YTT program together. At home, we have 2 kids, 2 dogs & 2 classic cars. Over the years, I have enjoyed Rocket, Ashtanga, Vinyasa & Yin the most. Come find me on the mat, and I’ll help you find a personal practice that will increase your flexibility & optimize your performance in all areas of your life. And who knows, we might talk about cars too.